Duis at elit augue. Donec accumsan diam dui, nec dictum urna faucibus nec.

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Specialist Industrial Divisions

Amcomri has two core operating divisions

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B2B Manufacturing

Our B2B manufacturing division comprises high-quality, UK-located, SME businesses that produce products or components used by other business customers. Our B2B manufacturing businesses have been selected and acquired on the basis that they have an initially good competitive position, and their financial performance can be further improved by the application of our proven ‘Buy – Improve – Build’ processes. 

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Embedded Engineering 

Our Embedded Engineering division comprises niche SME engineering services businesses that provide specialist engineering and technical support services to capital-intensive infrastructure, power, process, and transportation industries. Our support to these customers helps ensure continued compliance, and plant performance and in many instances facilitates critical equipment life extension for high-value capital assets. 

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In line with our ‘Buy – Improve’ – Build’ model and our selection criteria, all of our operating companies have the common characteristics of predictable revenue streams, well-distributed commercial risk with generally stable end markets.

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